
About Shanna Fujii

Professional Writer | Storyteller | Word Gangster

My first name rhymes with Madonna (or "your mama" if you like that better). People think I'm being funny when I say that, but truthfully, it's the only thing that helps people remember how to pronounce my name.

Professional Bragging Rights:
+ I attended Arizona State University and received my bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies with emphasis in writing and education, along with a minor in family studies and human development.

+ I achieved my master's degree in business management when I was 23. Arizona State took a photo of me in class and continues to use it to promote their MBA program...so technically I have an MBA by association, correct?

+ I have flung my literary creations onto the materials of clients such as: GoDaddy, Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation, Roosevelt Row Arts District, Arizona Asian Chamber of Commerce, Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center, Make-A-Wish, Majka, Homie, Yogi's Grill, and more.

+ I write blog posts, editorial features, website copywriting, ad copy, video scripts, and a hodge-podge of other writing bits. My favorite projects are with clients who want a conversational, (witty when appropriate) voice that also want to empathize with and education their audience.

+ The highlight of my career has been my introduction into the world of film. I wrote and produced my first short film in 2018 and it won Best Picture at a local film festival and was screened in 10 others across the country. I bit the film apple, and now I am quite insatiable.

skills & Points of power

A Handy List of My Superpowers


I give people and businesses a distinct voice--a voice that exudes warmth, wit, intellect, and compassion. You don't need to speak like Stephen Hawking to be respected and you don't need to fling around slang to seem modern. I can create a custom voice that perfectly suits your brand, your mission, and your audience.


At one point, I considered becoming a counselor. I minored in family studies & human development and have always found psychology fascinating. I use this knowledge to appeal to people's emotions through empathetic storytelling.


I consider myself a diamond hunter. Sometimes we need help finding the best, sparkly bits of ourselves or our businesses. Whether you're too close to a project or if you know what makes you unique but aren't sure how to word it, I will help you sit down, excavate your story, and pinpoint the best parts we can hone in on.

Grade-A Stickler

Your success is my success. This is because 1) I truly care about giving you the absolute best of my ability and 2) it is utterly impossible for me to present something that is not 200%. Believe me. It annoys me sometimes that everything needs to be perfect, however, this works in your favor quite nicely.